Connexion Québec Public Affairs Update

connexion quebec public affairs Jun 15, 2023

An update from me as Connexion Québec Public Affairs launches our new user-friendly Kajabi platform and first Government Relations training product for Quebec organizations and entrepreneurs, which will drop on June 23.

My entrepreneurial journey started just over a year ago. After spending a career in applied politics and government relations with the majority language community, I had a serious immersion in Québec’s organized English-speaking community between 2018 – 2021 when I first served as political consultant, then was hired by the Quebec Community Groups Network as Director of Québec Government Relations through Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise (SRQEA) funding. To say I was alarmed by what I saw would be a gross understatement. The provincial government, which arguably has the most impact on Quebecers’ lives, seemed to be a mystery and advocacy efforts few and far between. 

After ending my mandate with the QCGN reporting directly to the organization’s Executive Committee and delivering a series of recommendations on advocacy, government relations, etc., I analyzed the situation. An idea began to form as to how I could serve my community by helping to build organizational and entrepreneurial capacity in all of Québec’s regions. There is no one with my vast and varied political and public affairs experience in Quebec’s English-speaking community. What if I could package all my accumulated knowledge, skills, and experience to empower others? The idea for Connexion Québec Public Affairs was born. 

I have greatly benefited from a fantastic entrepreneurial ecosystem including YES Employment and Entrepreneurship’s wonderful ELLEvate program and business coaching through which I learned about the Québec government’s STA (Soutien aux travailleurs autonome) measure. I pitched the Service Québec and was referred to the program. After successfully pitching the committee at SAJE Montréal Centre, my project was accepted into their program, which includes both intense business training and financial support. 

Je suis très reconnaissante envers SAJE Montréal Centre pour l’accompagnement dans l’élaboration de mon plan d’affaires, ainsi que pour la formation intense. Cela m’a permis de peaufiner mon offre de service. Quelle belle expérience à date! 

J’ai réussi à construire un site web Kajabi bilingue – pas de tout évident avec cet excellent plateforme mais nécessaire – et le tout premier produit de formation d’Affaires Publique Connexion Québec est en prévente dès cette semaine ! Code de prévente FETENAT

Merci la vie! - JCC

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